Dog Kennel Customer Feedback – Mayville ND

Wuff-Da Kennel is a home-away-from home for our 4-legged family member, Izzy.  Pia at Wuff-Da Kennel is a true animal lover!  She enjoys getting to know the dogs and their families and makes the accommodations at the kennel satisfying to the boarded dogs.  Each dog is treated like a member of Pia’s own family.  Pia likes to get to know each dog and each dog’s behaviors.  The dogs are played with, talked to, and walked while at Wuff-Da Kennel.  And an added bonus:  Pia sends email updates to us on how Izzy is doing while at the kennel.  Thanks, Wuff-Da Kennel, for doing such a great job!

Cindy Petersen, Mayville ND

Hi!  My name is Izzy.  I am a one and a half year old Maltese-Papillion puppy.  I have been to Wuff-Da Kennel for shorts stays and for some longer stays (vacations) too.  While my family is away from home, I get to go to Wuff-Da Kennel and spend time with other dogs and with Pia.  My new friend Pia is so patient with me and the other dogs that stay at her kennel.  She spends time with me, talks to me, and learns my personality.  She even taught me how to use the doggy door on my kennel at her house.  I like to be outside, so she takes me for walks around the farm and lets me explore.  I like staying at Wuff-Da Kennel.


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